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Naval Aviator Badges

The Naval Aviator Badge is an insignia used in the Royal Tyrin Navy to designate those who have received training and qualification in military aviation. Also known as a Pilot’s Badge, or Pilot Wings, the Aviator Badge was first conceived to recognize the training that military aviators receive, as well as provide a means to outwardly differentiate between military pilots and regular officers and crew. There are two types currently in use in the Royal Navy; The Flight Officer's badge and the Noncommissioned Flight Officer's Badge.

The flight officer's badge is gold, consisting of a gold laurel and wings, mounted by a crown. Flight officers are trained to fly a variety of aircraft, from starships to small craft, up to and including interceptors of other space superiority spacecraft.

The noncomissioned flight officer's badge is smaller and silver, consisting of a star and wings, mounted by a crown. Noncommissioned flight officers (often referred to as "flight petty officers" or "flight chief", depending on the individual's rank) are typically trained to helm larger capital ships, though with proper certifications they can be permitted to fly smaller starships or transports. Noncommissioned flight officers are not eligible to fly fighters or other small combat craft.

Notable Recipients