Nephilim Battlesuit

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Nephilim Battlesuit

The Nephilim Battlesuit (Azuli: Datiya Malā or Demon Armor) is combat armor designed and constructed by the Azuli Research Directorate. It stands over nine feet tall at full extension, thought the arms and legs can be withdrawn to allow it to walk in a space with a 7' ceiling, though it's combat effectiveness is limited in this mode.

Weapons Systems

The suit has an advanced multi-target acquisition and tracking system for it's main weapons - two rapid-fire neutron-pulse cannons, one on each arm. The suit also carries two high-explosive rocket propelled grenades that can be fired at a point painted by the targeting system and then forgotten, or the pilot can redirect the projectile to a new target while in flight.


The bulk of the suit is encased in a lightweight high-density experimental alloy that is impervious to most hand weapons, and in tests withstood two direct blasts by a heavy antiaircraft cannon before the armor started to lose integrity. Unfortunately the areas not covered in the new armor were not able to withstand these blast and the Azuli test pilot was killed after the second blast.

Other Systems

The suit is capable of limited flight. It can achieve an altitude of no greater than thirty meters, and has a maximum range of about two thousand meters before it's limited fuel is depleted. However, in field tests, by using a leaping maneuver in conjunction with the flight thrusters one pilot was able to use large 'hops' to travel nearly ten times that distance. Any time spend hovering will dramatically reduce flight time.

An advanced sensor package is included, giving it about three times the range of a portable sensor unit and more advanced analysis. In practice, this allows for improved tracking and analysis of enemy targets.

As the units are only a recent development and due to their high construction cost, only a limited run of the Nephilim armor has been done, and it is unknown if there are any in the field.

Encounters with Nephilim Armor