Strike Squadron 42

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Strike Squadron 42 was a unit of the Royal Tyrin Navy assembled under the command of Commodore Lord Zuko. The Squadron was assigned to the Advance Fleet under Vice Admiral of the White Admiral Morland. The flagship of the Squadron was TSS Astute, with Captain Lord Archer as Flag Captain.

The Squadron consisted of:

  • Cruiser TSS Astute - Commanding Officer CAPT Lord Archer, Executive Officer CDR Jaia Harville
  • Frigate TSS Paladin - Commanding Officer CAPT Henri Carel, Executive Officer LCDR Dragan Sett
  • Corvette TSS Swift - Commanding Officer CDR Cal Doric
  • Corvette TSS Ranger - Commanding Officer CDR Samara Hind
  • Corvette TSS Daring - Commanding Officer CDR Arya Salaan
  • Gunboat TSS Hope - Commanding Officer LT Stannis Boxer
  • Gunboat TSS Fury- Commanding Officer LT Bain Cainon

After assembly, Squadron 42 was immediately dispatched to Vanguard station, with a short diversion to the Grafton system where it was ordered to make first contact with the pre-jump civilization on Grafton-3, which had become aware of the military activities in the region.

Once at Vanguard, Admiral Morland assigned it to a special mission deep in Azuli territory to disrupt Azuli shipping and war production. This highly successful mission became known as the Lower Marches Campaign, and netted the commanders a wealth in war prizes, in addition to severely hurting the Azuli war effort. After this campaign the ships of the squadron, all in need of some degree of repair, were sent home for refit at Orbital Station Castle.

Approximately a month later, with repairs to all ships complete or near-complete, the station was attacked as part of the overall Azuli surprise attack on Tyrin, known after as the Battle of Grafton. The ships of Squadron 42 formed the core of the fleet that repelled the attack, and after the destruction of the defense fleet flagship TSS Monarch and the death of Admiral Nestor, Lord Zuko (by that time Rear Admiral The Duke of Silverfall) assumed command of the defense and Astute became the defense fleet's flagship. Daring and Fury were lost in this action.