Fein "Cage" Dorn

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Fein "Cage" Dorn

Fein Dorn, who frequently goes by his former callsign "Cage", is a human mercenary and soldier and First Mate of the ship Razor's Edge. He is of Corellian descent.


  • Homeworld: Corellia
  • Species: Human
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Weight: 195
  • Eyes: Grey/Green
  • Hair: Sandy Brown
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Affiliation: Crew of the Razor's Edge
  • Rank: Former Captain, 51st Imperial Storm Commando Regiment


Born to a very wealthy and politically connected family on Corellia, Fein attended the best schools his father could afford. After graduating near the top of his class from the Imperial Academy he stunned his father by requesting to join the Storm Commandos instead of going into the Imperial Navy as a pilot as he had been trained. This proved to be the right choice as Fein excelled in commando operations against the rebellion, until the Ord Prima mission where he refused to detonate an explosive device that would have killed unarmed civilians. After six months of detention, under hard labor administered by enlisted guards that had no love for Officers he was discharged from Imperial service.


Fein is less serious than he should be when it comes to his work. As noted in his Imperial service file "Dorn has an unusual outlook on life and while not a problem it could become a concern."


Fein is force sensitive but has little conscious control of it. To date this has manifested as faster than normal reflexes, a 'danger sense', and persuasion.

Sister – Pari Dorn. In her early 20’s she is the only member of his family that he is still in semi active communications with.