Razor's Edge

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Razor's Edge

The Razor's Edge is a starship crewed by her Captain Rafe Aquilla, First Mate Fein "Cage" Dorn, and pilot Kira Senn. Originally designed as a picket ship, she was considered a powerhouse in her day, the independently powered retractable hardpoints able to mount weapons typically fielded by larger ships. In addition, the 3 gymbaled sublight drives make her extremely maneuverable. While she is old and in places looks it, she has been maintained and upgraded a number of times over the course of her lifetime.

Though originally stripped of her weapons when sold into civilian service, two of the guns on the retractable foils were replaced prior to Rafe's purchase of the ship, and the forward mounted lightning gun was salvaged by the crew from a damaged rebel ship on Arktus, where they also obtained a highly illegal ECM package.


  • Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
  • Length: 40M
  • Beam: 31M
  • Complement: 7 (3 Crew, 4 Passengers)
  • Armament: 2 blaster cannons on retractable foils (ventral retractable foil is empty), and forward mounted Ganathan lightning gun
  • Defenses: Deflector Shield Generator
  • Countermeasures: Electromagnetic countermeasures, signal jamming package, signature scrambler

Razor's Edge Plan (click to enlarge)