Tal Haliim

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Tal Haliim is a home base of many pirates and mercenaries, and an active hub for the black market. The location of Tal Haliim has been stated to be within either the boundaries the Federated Worlds or the Tyrin Empire, but it's true location is secret and it's existence has not been confirmed by authorities.

In actuality the planet is right on the Fed side of the Fed/Tyrin border, and though certain Fed authorities know it's location they are paid well to keep that information secret and to keep it safe from military intervention. The planet is an uninhabited rocky wasteland except for one small area, where there is a collection of lakes and a single settlement. Originally there was a settlement with structures and cobbled street made of the local stone that was long ago abandoned. Some years ago it was rediscovered by pirates, and there is now newer construction alongside the old. The streets of the town move out in a spoke pattern from a central open hub, which is the location of the famous Tal Haliim market, where smuggled and pirated goods or slaves from all of known space can be found. A small starport sits on the outskirts of town.

Known Residents

  • Kotu - A Hahn gangster, one of the two most powerful men on Tal Haliim
  • Dasher - Owner of the slave market, the other most powerful man on Tal Haliim
  • Chaeli - A singer and indentured servant of Kotu
  • Jisia - A dancer and indentured servant of Kotu
  • Sax - Dealer in black-market ship's hardware
  • Gess - A Karran, employed by Dasher and part-time smuggler.
  • Manus - A forger.