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The Draal System

The Draal system is a star system deep within Azuli space. The four planets orbiting it's single star are lifeless and inhospitable, and the asteroids in it's extensive asteroid fields are of little value for mining.

Azuli War

During the 2nd Azuli war, the Azuli had a secret research base buried inside one of the asteroids that was tasked with development of a small, low-cost warship that could be produced in large quantites, codenamed "Phairon" (the Azuli word for swarm). The system was patrolled constantly by several warships, and a network of sensor satellites had been set up to detect the approach of intruders.

The crew of TSS Royal Fortune, under the authority of the ISS was tasked with locating the base and obtaining any information available on the Phairon Project, with the additional orderto damage the facilities' ability to complete the project if possible, but both the ISS and the The Admiralty felt this outcome was unlikely.

Royal Fortune, under command of Commander Michael Houghtaling and outfitted with stealth capabilities, entered the system silently. After the location of the base was identified, it was determined that the ship would not be able to approach it without being detected by the satellites. Instead five members of the crew, wearing vacuum suits, strapped themselves to the outside of the ship's two (normally) unmanned drones, which were then remote piloted to the surface of the asteroid containing the base.

Gaining access to the base, they hacked the computer and downloaded it's data on the project, destroyed one of the two vessel prototypes, stole the other, and detonated the base's reactor which destroyed it completely. This resounding success which far exceeded the parameters of the mission gave fuel to Mike and AJ's careers, resulting in promotions and transfers to the command of a regular military vessel.